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Passing Easily Through The Eye Of The Needle

The Millionaire’s Transformation

Jonathan who had amassed great wealth by working exceedingly hard. He lived in a grand mansion, drove the finest cars, and wore the most expensive clothes. Yet, despite his riches, Jonathan felt a deep emptiness inside. He had everything money could buy, but he lacked happiness and joy, and a sense of well-being. He felt useless despite his massive fortune.

One day, while visiting a hospital to donate money, Jonathan met a young boy named Samuel. Samuel was battling a severe illness, yet his face radiated joy and peace. Despite his immense suffering, Samuel and his family never ceased to praise God. They prayed together, sang hymns, and thanked God for every moment they had.

Jonathan was deeply moved by Samuel’s unwavering faith and happiness. He asked Samuel, “how can you be so joyful while being so sick?” Samuel simply replied, “I trust in God. He is my strength and my song.” That straight forward response registered deeply within the confines of Jonathan’s heart and woke up his inner spirit, that prior to this encounter was sleeping. This woke him up to new heights of awareness in God and the power of faith. It changed him on the spot.

Reflecting on this encounter, Jonathan remembered the words of Jesus: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God” (Matthew 19:24). He realized that his wealth had become a barrier between him and true happiness.

The idea that the “eye of the needle” refers to a narrow gate in Jerusalem through which a camel could only pass if it was unloaded and stooped down is a popular interpretation. This metaphor highlights the difficulty for a wealthy person to leave their fortune behind and follow Jesus. And it is often referred to concerning wealth and industry in the world of today. Well, by those who know the Bible that is. In order to move forward – unload the materialistic items- and follow Christ unhindered.

The verse in Matthew 19:24 was quickened in Jonathan’s mind entirely by Samuel’s deep faith. And that is what made Jonathan decide to give up his riches. It catapulted him at that precise moment to speak to the administrator of the hospital and instructed him to send all future bills for Samuel directly to his home. And not to spare any treatment he needed irrespective of the amount or expense.

Jonathan sold his multiple mansions, his countless cars, and his luxurious possessions, and liquidated all of his assets. He donated the proceeds to hospitals, orphanages, and other worthy causes. Jonathan might be called a philanthropist, dedicating his life to helping those in need, and offering relief and help where he could, whenever he could.

As he began to share his fortune through charitable foundations he became “wealthy “in spirit.  Jonathan felt a profound sense of peace and joy. He was baptized and found a new purpose in life-which came out of truly serving others. This was his calling. This was why he felt “no satisfaction” or joy in anything he’d accomplished prior to this epiphany.  It wasn’t until Samuel’s light that was glowing for all to see – that his own inner light began to shine.

Out of the darkness of materialistic greed and thoughtless actions, evolved a new beginning for him.  He discovered that true happiness came not from material possessions, but from a heart filled with love and gratitude to God, and in serving and helping others.

Reflective Questions

  1. What does true happiness mean to you?
  2. How can you find joy in difficult circumstances?
  3. What barriers might be preventing you from experiencing true joy and peace?

Moral Thoughts

  • True wealth is not measured by material possessions but by the love and joy in our hearts.
  • Faith and gratitude can bring peace even in the most challenging times.
  • Giving and serving others can lead to a fulfilling and joyful life.


“Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for the blessings You have given us. Help us to find true joy and peace in You, not in material possessions. Teach us to be generous and to serve others with a loving heart. May we always trust in Your goodness and praise You in all circumstances. Help us to find our true path and calling, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


May the Lord bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you and give you peace. May you find joy in His presence and strength in His love.

God Bless

Jonathan’s life was transformed by the simple faith of a child. He learned that true happiness comes from a heart that loves and trusts God. Through his journey, he found a joy that no amount of money could ever buy.


C D SWANSON is an Author of 22 plus books, freelance writer, contributor to various websites, including The Bottom Line Ministries/Faith News. She's an active member of Faithwriters- and has her online website/ministry for over 15 years. It is her greatest joy to write what’s in her heart, and thus her favorite form of expression is in her devotionals. She and her husband share a deep love of God and dote on their fur baby Mickey. Retired Director from Long Term Healthcare Industry, she continues to be an advocate for many. To check out other writings of this author you can go here:

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