Where do I begin to draw a line
To sketch the image of the Divine?
Oh what will be my inspiration
The spark to my imagination–
To add substance to the formation,
To add color to my creation?
For a blue sash is not sufficient;
No, You are too magnificent.
More than just light and power,
I stand by the canvas for hours,
Trying to fathom the God of Abraham,
A God of peace, a lowly Lamb–
A vengeful God, the Redeemer,
Yahweh, Messiah, Comforter.
Human hands cannot begin to mold
A statue of the One who holds–
The whole world in His hands!
Who by speaking created lands.
Who knit me in my mother’s womb,
And let the door open to His tomb.
Nothing can adequately display,
Nor verse or song can say,
How awesome is the Trinity
For the image of the Divine is holy.
In what ways can you attempt to express the glory and holiness of God?
Your poem does an excellent job of displaying biblical truth and knowledge, as well as the unfathomable splendor of God.