We are all precious in our Father’s sight,
even though some haven’t chosen what’s right.
They’re still tripping over faults and failures,
that were created by their sinful natures.
Sinful natures that they’ve held on to,
thinking they’ll know just what to do.
Our Heavenly Father loves us so,
that He sent His Son to save our souls.
Jesus paid the highest price for all,
to save us from mankind’s brutal fall.
His sole purpose for each one of our lives,
is not to trip others, creating more strife.
When we lose sight of the power of Jesus’ name,
doors begin to open revealing sinful shame.
His believers should focus on God alone,
knowing our forgiveness flows from His Throne!
Many false teachers have crept into this world,
and it’s disheartening to watch it unfurl.
I’m sure it breaks our Father’s heart too,
when we don’t ask Him what we should do.
We need to stick to the Lord’s spoken Word,
sharpening our minds daily, rest assured!
Many of our churches are playing favorites,
making up things that He never created!
Favorites to what God’s Word clearly calls sin,
causing a stench to arise from within.
Rising to Heaven, this stench displeases God,
and He will not condone sin where Satan has trod.
God’s Word is True in every way,
and when used correctly the wicked turn away.
So, I have a question for you, my friend.
Will you invite Him in now, or wait till the end?
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
God Bless~