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Buddha, Mohammed, Confucius, Jesus (Chinese/English)

Buddha, Mohammed, Confucius, Jesus

These were all great moral teachers, but one is different to the others, Jesus is different and unique because of the following reasons.

But it is important to note that Jesus is not merely “different” than these men: He is King of kings and Lord of lords.  Here are some more reasons why Jesus is more than just a great teacher.

1. Jesus is the Son of God

In Matthew 3, Jesus was baptized by in the Jordan by the prophet John the Baptist.  As He came out of the water, the heavens opened and His Father spoke saying, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:16). There is no other person in human history whom God refers to as His Son.

在马太福音3章中,耶稣在约旦河中被先知施洗约翰施洗。当他从水里上来,天忽然为他开了,从天上有声音说:“这是我的爱子,我所喜悦的。” (马太福音 3:16)

2. Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary

Jesus is the only One who was conceived by the Holy Spirit.  In Luke 1, the Angel Gabriel appears to the Virgin Mary and declares to her that she had been chosen to give birth to the Son of God.

3. Jesus died for ME

2 Corinthians 5:21 tells us that “He who knew no sin became sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.”  Jesus is the only One who was willing and able to give His life for you and for me.  And it is His blood, and His blood alone that makes atonement for sin and makes us right with the living God.

4. Jesus rose from the dead

Jesus is the only One who rose the dead.  Confucius, Mohammed, and Buddha died and they are still dead.  In Matthew 28, we have one of several accounts of Christ’ resurrection.  Mary goes to the grave of Jesus, expecting to anoint His body to slow the pace of decomposition.  However, she is met by an angel who tells her that He is not there, but that He is risen from the dead.  She then meets her Saviour who is resurrected!  Her sorrow over the death of Christ is immediately replaced with the joy of knowing that He has risen. And it is His resurrection that sets Christianity apart from every other religion on earth.

5. Jesus is the only way to God.

There are some that say there are several ways to get to God.  Jesus says in John 14:6, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man comes to the Father, except they come through me.”  If you want to know God, you must go through Christ.  How do you do that?  By asking Him to forgive you of your sins, repenting of your sin, realising that you can’t save yourself and throw yourself on his mercy and grace.

How does God save us?  He saves us by grace through faith.  Ephesians 2:8-9 say, “For by grace are you saved through faith, and not the of yourselves.  It is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast.”

What will you receive when God saves you?

You will receive life in abundance, you will have God’s Spirit living inside you as you go through life to guide and comfort you. You will have a new Christian family and you will have the assurance of heaven and eternal life. That abundant life starts here on earth as you have fellowship with God as your relationship with Him has been restored. There are millions across China and across the world, who have made this commitment and as someone who made it 40 years ago, it is the best thing I have ever done.

Are you ready to receive Jesus?  Say this simple prayer:

Father God, I realize that I am out of fellowship with You, because of my sin and I come before You, to ask that You would forgive my sin, because of the shed blood of your precious Son on the cross. I repent from every evil way and give my life over to You to use in any way You see fit. Thank You for making me a child of God and I will live for You and You alone. In Jesus name, amen

If you prayed that prayer, here is what you should do next:

Pray. Talk to God about everything.

Read the Bible. Start in the Gospel of John.

Fellowship join with your brothers and sisters in the faith on Sunday and during the week.

Share tell others what has happened to you.

Baptism- be immersed in water.

God Bless

About Keith H

Hello everyone, my name is Keith or kk. love the Lord, his word and his people.Saved since 1975. Married to an amazing Chinese lady called Helen withe daughter called Sherry Love to write and to share Gods word.. I love to travel, we have been to Norway, Rome and Prague recently. i love reading, watching sport and listening to music especially City alight and soundslikereign If you wish to contact me my email is [email protected] Remember to pray for the Chinese Church

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  1. Thank you Keith – such a pivotal part of Christianity – great message.
    God Bless~

  2. Great message, Keith! Simple and plain! May God use it to bring many Chinese and non-Chinese to the Lord. Praying for you.

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