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What Are You Full Of? 你被什么充满?

Acts 6:5, 8, 10


5 Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit.

司提反,乃是大有信心、圣灵充满的人…… (使徒行传 6:5和合本)

8 And Stephen, full of grace and power, was doing great wonders and signs among the people.

司提反满得恩惠能力,在民间行了大奇事和神迹。 (使徒行传 6:8 和合本)

10 But they could not withstand the wisdom and the Spirit with which he was speaking.

司提反是以智慧和圣灵说话,众人敌挡不住; (使徒行传 6:10 和合本)

What Are You Full Of?


This passage speaks of a man by the name of Stephen, whom the Apostles appointed to be a Deacon in the early church. Stephen is a beautiful and glorious illustration of what each Christian should be known for being full of faith and the Holy Spirit. To be full means to be “under the influence.” Stephen was influenced by his faith and the Holy Spirit. This resulted in two divine attributes: 1) The ability to perform great wonders, and 2) Divine wisdom that gave him the ability to use the scriptures to defend the message of the gospel against those who sought to attack it.


When the enemies of Christ could not withstand the wisdom that was in Stephen, they decided to silence him by taking his life. Stephen is the first martyr of the church, and while he may not have lived a long life, his legacy is one of faithfulness, compassion for his enemies and a profound love for Jesus Christ.


As believers, we have the choice of being full of the Spirit, or full of ourselves. Here is the thing: When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, there is an abundance of joy and peace. When we are full of ourselves, there is an emptiness, a void, that leaves us frustrated and defeated. The good news is that what Stephen was full of, is available to us. God’s Spirit is still the same! His power is still the same!


So, what are you full of? Let’s be full of what Stephen was full of, because when we are, no one will be able to stand against us.


God bless you


About Keith H

Hello everyone, my name is Keith or kk. love the Lord, his word and his people.Saved since 1975. Married to an amazing Chinese lady called Helen withe daughter called Sherry Love to write and to share Gods word.. I love to travel, we have been to Norway, Rome and Prague recently. i love reading, watching sport and listening to music especially City alight and soundslikereign If you wish to contact me my email is keitherichobkirk@hotmail.com Remember to pray for the Chinese Church

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