Every family has a story-teller, the one who shares family history, the one who always remembers a time in their family’s past, or recalls a tried and true saying that still seems to fit well in many scenarios.
Now imagine sitting around the family table and telling stories of family history if your ancestor’s name was found in all the history books. What dinner conversation to talk of your connection to the first American president, a humble man who rejected kingship in favor of short-term presidency. A man who loved his new country and had been willing to die for the opportunity to worship freely. Or imagine talking about the 16th president as one of your own, how he suffered great loss as a young boy when his mother died in a remote log cabin, or how his entire presidency was steeped in personal tragedy and concern over the possible crumbling of our nation, or how he had survived an assassination attempt that left a bullet hole in that famous stovepipe hat not long before his actual murder.
Claiming a famous ancestor may be left for a chosen few, but all of us have a story to tell. And if we are followers of Christ, our story’s most worthy and far-reaching portion is that of His faithfulness in our lives.
But as for me, I will wait and hope continually, and will praise You yet more and more. My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness And of Your [deeds of] salvation all day long,
For their number is more than I know. Psalm 71:14-15
If you are a believer in Jesus, trusting in Him as Lord, you have experienced His faithfulness daily, both consciously, and in the unseen realm that will be revealed in eternity. You have something to share with those who need hope—what is your story?
Wonderful article. Shared it on my Facebook page. God bless